Is it possible to distrubite my VPN app (with packet tunnel provider) for MacOS with a standalone installer (such as .pkg/.dmg file) ?
I think the answer is that it can't be done, but the reason I'm asking is that there are some clients who want to preinstall the app on some people's Macs instead of sending them to the App Store.
So is it possible? or maybe the way to go here is by Apple Configurator ?
Is it possible to distrubite my VPN app (with packet tunnel provider) for MacOS with a standalone installer (such as .pkg/.dmg file) ?
That depends on the extent of the distribution you intend. macOS only supports Network Extension providers in the following apps:
Apps downloaded from the Mac App Store
Apps signed with a Mac development profile
They are not supported by Developer ID apps and, of course, the Mac does not support ad hoc, In-House (Enterprise), or TestFlight distribution.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware
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