The Simulator does not have a camera!
Only real device have cameras.
Your code may well be fine.
Try running it on a real iPhone or iPad, and see if it works.
Note: Your code checks "isSourceTypeAvailable(camera)", but you don't take any action if the sourceType is not available.
If you (for example) logged an error message to the console, then you would have noticed that your app was not detecting a camera.
Thanks Quinn, that's interesting, but now the plot thickens...
I can directly enter this url (and it works as a link):
...but if I try to add it as a "link", I get the errors:
"Please fix the following URL related errors:"
"This domain is not a permitted domain on this forums."
Kirk McElhearn talks about Installing macOS Monterey on a 15-Year Old Mac...
I don't know how realistic this is, but it might be worth a look?
That's interesting, @Claude31...
...and now I can also post directly the URL:
It wasn't working before, but it works now!
Perhaps a temporary forum glitch (maybe related to their ongoing attempts to fight spam posters).
If I just type the URL, that is rejected.
But if I type:
[Example Link](
Like this:
Example Link
...that seems to work!
You probably need around 60Gb of free space, to perform the installation.
See this comment from @Claude31
is there a way to down grade iPhone version
Downgrading from 15.4.1 is not supported.
Wait you saying i gotta need to buy a new Mac for this?
No, I'm just explaining the software requirements, to develop for iOS 15.4.
You have not said what Mac you have....
If it supports Monterey, then you are fine.
If not, then you have a decision to make.
From the Xcode 13.3.1 Release Notes:
Xcode 13.3.1 includes SDKs for iOS 15.4...
...requires a Mac running macOS Monterey 12 or later.
If you want to support iOS 15.4
You need Xcode 13.3.1
Which needs macOS Monterey
You could consider unlisted app distribution.
The app is on the App Store (with the benefits of easy updating), but is only discoverable using a direct link (not by browsing the App Store).
Update to the latest version of Xcode (13.3.1)
From App Store Connect, it sounds like you must have set your app's "Version Release" to "Manually release this version".
Your app has now been approved, and you need to release it manually.
No further approval or action is needed, from Apple.
Try this:
let imageview = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "robin")!)
Show your code, then we can suggest why it is not working.
When you say:
let textModel = textModels[index] are creating a temporary "textModel", which only lives for 1 pass of your ForEach.
So you can't use it as a Binding (because it won't exist, when you try and access it later).
(I'm away from Xcode, but) I would omit the line above, and try:
TextField("", text: $textModels[index].name)