Sorry, may have posted too soon, give me a minute!
I don't think @AndreaMusic is suggesting that Apple should create this app, they are just asking if this is an app that a developer could write?
Friendly Tip: a better title for your question would probably have got a quicker answer!
Let me put it another way... somewhere in your app, you are creating a CVC, and when this happens, you get the error. So where does this happen, and how. Where do you create/instantiate/initialize the CVC?
You have not shown an initialization of CVC. Maybe it in initialized using a Storyboard segue? In that case, you could make viewModel an Optional, and set it in the prepare for segue method.
No need to be rude. I took time out from my day, to show you code that could be used to create the stamp.
The problem is with HikeView.swift, not Hike.swift
Did you read the 2nd link I mentioned?
Did you add the startAccessingSecurityScopedResource?
When accessing an iCloud pdf, it works for me, after adding "url.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource()"
Could there be a problem with your PDF file? Maybe try again, with a different PDF?
Which is correct, your original code, or mine? What error do you see on a real device?
You could also use: URLQueryItem(name: "PollDuration", value: String(StepperValue))]
So much code... what do you want us to look at here?
Not necessarily. In fact, I doubt there is a "legal" way to do what you describe. But if you find one, please post it here!