




Revoke Developer ID Application Certificate
I've just upgraded my MacBook. I've downloaded my Developer ID Application Certificate to my new machine, and not surprisingly, it's missing a private key. I can request a new certificate of course, but I have reached the limit of my Developer ID Application Certificates (I have 5). I cannot use any of these with my new machine however, as when I download them, they will all be missing private keys. I need to revoke one of my old Developer ID Application Certificates, but I can't work out how to do this. Any advice? Thanks.
Jan ’21
Apple Development Certificate not trusted - no root cert found even though they are installed
I am trying to codesign an app and receive the following error: Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Development: John Smith (########)" The Apple Development certificate I'm using is not trusted, and when I evaluate it, it tells me that there is No Root Certificate found. However, I have the following unexpired certificates on my machine: Apple IST CA 2 - GA Apple Root CA Apple Root Certificate Authority Apple Worldwide Developer Relations CA - G2 Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority Can anyone shed light on why my Apple Development Cert is not trusted / no root cert found when the root certs are installed? When I evaluate the Apple Root CA it tells me that the cert is valid, but "Root ALSO in System Roots". Is this a problem? Thanks in advance.
Sep ’20