I have the same problem. Simulator works as expected and the keyboard button shows, but when I test the build on a device it isn't visible.
Hello Appeloper! First I just want to say I really do enjoy this approach versus MVVM. Being new to SwiftUI and seeing the MVVM approach it seemed so bloated and incredibly counter to what I saw in WWDC talks in their more simple demos (very much draw the rest of the owl).
I want to ask about what is the best approach for a Store approach when you have an Account object that retrieves information about a user (in my case firebase auth) and then uses an identifier in that auth information as a path identifier for another store (e.g. firestore).
I have a collection for say Books/<userId>/ and want to have a bookstore as you've described. Do you simply pass in the userId to the .loadStore function? Or should the BookStore contain a reference itself to the underlying auth provider?
class Account: ObservableObject {
@Published var isLogged: Bool = false
@Published var userDetails: UserDetails? = nil
@Published var error: Error? = nil
private var firebaseUser: User?
private var authStateChangeHandler: AuthStateChangeHandler?
private var userService: UserService = UserService.shared
private var authService: AuthenticationService = AuthenticationService.shared
private let logger = Logger(subsystem: "...", category: "Account")
init() {
authService.subscribeAuthStateChange { [weak self] (user: User?) in
guard let self = self else { return }
if let user = user {
firebaseUser = user
isLogged = true
} else {
firebaseUser = nil
isLogged = false
func login(email: String, password: String) async {
do {
try await authService.login(email: email, password: password)
} catch {
self.error = error
func register(email: String, password: String) async {
do {
try await authService.register(email: email, password: password)
} catch {
self.error = error
func loadUser() async {
do {
guard let firebaseUser = firebaseUser else {
throw UserError.noUserId
userDetails = try await userService.fetchUser(with: firebaseUser.uid)
error = nil
logger.info("User loaded \(firebaseUser)")
} catch {
self.error = error
class FirebaseAuthProvider: AuthenticationProvider {
private let auth = Auth.auth() // <- should this become shared and used inside the stores?
I'm honestly lost on the automatic inverse relationships. I've reviewed the SampleTrips project and followed what they do there and it doesn't work.
From what I can see, you don't need to do anything other than mark the inverse and then:
let item = BucketListItem(
title: "A bucket list item title",
details: "Details of my bucket list item",
hasReservation: true, isInPlan: true)
item.trip = .preview
but when I review the code of the project in the section where they add bucket list items, they do set the inverse?
private func addItem() {
withAnimation {
let newItem = BucketListItem(title: title, details: details, hasReservation: hasReservations, isInPlan: isInPlan)
newItem.trip = trip
this doesn't seem to make sense to me?