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Hello everyone, I want to add preconfigured app shortcuts for my app using an AppShortcutsProvider implementation. I have been following this demo from WWDC22: All looks pretty straight forward. However, I would like the preconfigured shortcuts to be based on the state of the data in the app: adding one shortcut for every user-entered item in a list. Now, this might be due to the fact that I'm a Swift novice, but I can't figure out how to do that from a AppShortcutsBuilder property as I can't create the AppShortcut instances in a for loop. I have failed to find any resources online on this. I assume I would need the ForEach equivalent of the ViewBuilder? Is anything like that available for AppShortcutsBuilder? I have also stumbled on this: But this solution seems to only work with INIntents rather than AppIntents. Is there a setShortcutSuggestions equivalent for AppIntents that I could call when the contents of my list change?
by raulincze.
Last updated