




Reply to IDFA Questions Missing on Appstore Connect
This just happened to me too! I don't know if it has something to do with IDFA changes they made. I've been searching about this but no information on web page changes. I first sumitted for review without checking any IDFA releated options (because they disappeared for me as well). One day later it passed a review. When I came back checking at bottom of web page I found the IDFA options appeared but with both choices non-selected. So I cancelled the release and checked those boxes like I used to and resubmitted the IPA. (it was the same IPA) Then they I got rejected. Apple said the UIRquiredDeviceCapabilities is wrong. I asked them about the reason and explain this situation in resolution center but they didn't answer me yet. I went back to that web page before submit the review, the IDFA options were gone again.
Nov ’20
Reply to IDFA Questions Missing on Appstore Connect
Hey @said7swisi I got a reply from Apple team today. (From resolution center) They only said thank you for information and they will continue reviewing. My app status is now pending developer release. I said before they replied that I know about IDFA changes but I can't find change log about IDFA setting removing on web page and I thought I might be a bug. It's still not clarify to me if the setting will be gone forever. They didn't answer that it was a bug. But now the IDFA setting is completely gone both in 'pending developer release' and 'ready to submit' status. I didn't hit the release button yet so I don't know if IDFA is gonna work. (It's working in TestFlight though)
Nov ’20