




Invalid_grant authorization code apple sign in .net backend
Hi!I have an IOS application that needs to authenticate to an in house login server. I do all the configuration need it for enable Apple Sign in in my app. I enable my application key to work with apple sign in and add de capability in Xcode.I successfully do the login in the IOS app usign the native sign in button, but when I sent the authorization code to our backend for validation we are always getting invalid_grant error.Our backend is in .net, the server have the key secret downladed from Apple member center, this is how the server do the validation (pictures): the _clientId field we put the bundle identifier of our app.We tried a lot of things but we are always getting the invalid_grant error from apple. We also try to use the identityToken from the IOS application as client_secret but we are getting the same error.Thanks in advance!
Mar ’20