




Reply to Multiplatform project error on Xcode 14 beta: Your target is built for macOS but contains embedded content built for the iOS platform
Using XCode 14.3 and I'm having the same issue. I'm adding a widget extension to my multiplatform app just for iOS. Your target is built for iOS but contains embedded content built for the macOS platform (YAPTWidgetExtension.appex), which is not allowed. Unchecking macOS from the filter for Frameworks and Libraries and Embedded Content didn't help. Anyone else has a solution?
May ’23
Reply to Using XCode 13.3.1 and SDK 15 but build won't load through Transporter App and error email says : ITMS-90725: SDK Version Issue - This app was built with the iOS 14.4 SDK. All iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 15 SDK
Having the same issue with transporter with build created from UE5.0.3. Asset validation failed (90725) SDK Version Issue. This app was built with the iOS 14.4 SDK. All iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 15 SDK or later, included in Xcode 13 or later. (ID: 9439c495-46bb-4f4f-b5c7-dbcc544f36f3) Any luck for a fix?
Jul ’22