




Broadcast extension limit vs large frames on iPad
Hello, Our use case is Screen sharing in a live video call. We use broadcast extension to capture screens and send frames. The broadcast extension has hard limit of 50MB. The screen sharing works great with iPhones. But on iPad, ReplayKit delivers larger screens, and as a result, the extension memory usages goes beyond 50MB. While using the profiler we noticed, the memory used by our code is <25MB, but on iPad ReplayKit is having memory spikes which causes memory to go beyond 50MB limits. How should I achieve screen sharing use case on iPads? What is the guideline. Any suggestion/help is appreciated. Best, Piyush
Jun ’20
Device token parsing in Objective C
Hello, Our used cases is VoIP calling. There are multiple answers available on internet on how a device token should be parsed. We are using following technique to parse device token, let us know if there is an Apple Recommended way of parsing device token - (NSString *)deviceTokenWithData:(NSData *)data {   if (![data isKindOfClass:[NSData class]] || !([data length] > 0)) {     TVOLogError(@"Invalid device token");     return nil;   }   const char *tokenBytes = (const char *)[data bytes];   NSMutableString *deviceTokenString = [NSMutableString string];   for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [data length]; ++i) {     [deviceTokenString appendFormat:@"%02.2hhx", tokenBytes[i]];   }       return deviceTokenString; } Also, it would be nice if apple provides a toString method to get string out of the device token raw bytes.
Jun ’20
Low AVPlayer volume while in a VoIP Call
Hello,Our used case is bi-directional Audio + Video over IP iOS application.We noticed that, in our app, if a user is playing audio using AVPlayer and while playing the AVPlayer if the user initiates Audio + Video Call in the app, the volume of the AVPlayer gets reduced. When I am connected to the VoIP call, I am able to hear AVPlayer audio and the audio of remote participant in the call too, but the AVPlayer audio volume got lowered than what it was before. I noticed that AVPlayer audio volume stays low even after the call is disconnected, it never gets restored back.Is this expected? If yes, is there a workaround for this problem.Thanks,Piyush
Jun ’17