




How to replicate ARReferenceImage.Validate()
This function will validate the tracking quality of an image. That is, will the phone camera be able to recognize and track a given photo. I need this functionality for a macOS application, but ARKit is not available on macOS. Can anyone give me tips on how to replicate this function? In wwdc video apple defines a trackable image as having [distinct features, well textured, good contrast] and a non trackable image as having [repetitive structures, uniform color regions, narrow histogram]. I imagine this will require python/openCV to implement, but i need more information from Apple, like how narrow is too narrow histogram? What metric for well textured? Can i use accelerate or coreImage to calculate image tracking quality?
Oct ’20
Monitor file with some kind of persistent id
My app writes files to the users shared Documents directory. I save the files path but this breaks if the user changes the documents name, moves the document to a new location etc. Is there some kind of persistent file id i can use to keep track of these documents? i've been poking aroundFileManager.default.attributesOfItem(atPath: docUrl.path)and i find attributes like FileAttributeKey.systemFileNumber but this number seems to change every time i run the app. There has to be some way to keep track of files other than their path
Mar ’20