




Unable to accept TestFlight Internal Invite
I accidentally clicked on my wife's email account on my iPhone to accept the initial invite for her to test our app. I was finally able to get my iPhone able to test after using the "Stop Testing" option in TestFlight for the build that installed on my iPhone via my wife's invitation from TestFlight. I believe this is what's causing my wife's iPhone to not be able to accept any invite I send her from TestFlight to her email (that I accidentally accepted on my iPhone but then "Stop Testing"). I've tried resending the invitation multiple times It still shows her status as "Invited" but she does show she has 2 "Sessions" I tried deleting her from the Internal Testing Group Then adding her back I tried deleting her from the All Testers Group Then adding her back I even tried deleting her from App Store Connect Then adding her back After doing all of those I am still unable to accept the invite from her phone.
Aug ’23