Sadly, I was not able to register for the Games Q&A at. WWDC. My question is as follows:
For making a Universal Binary, one compatible with Big Sur and up, will the tools in Xcode 15 help me port over a Win32 project over, or does the tool only work assuming macOS Sonoma and up, exclusively on Apple Silicon?
The sliders themselves are rendered, but not the text no matter what I try.
Here is my code for reference:
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
Text("Synth View")
.font(.system(size: 55, weight: .semibold, design: .rounded))
VStack {
action: {
modulatingMultiplier = 10
frequency = 200
carrierMod = 5
index = 440
amplitude = 10
LineGraph(data: data, maxData: maxData, minValue: graphMinValue, maxValue: graphMaxValue)
.aspectRatio(1, contentMode: .fit)
VStack {
Slider(value: $frequency, in: 0...20000) {
Slider(value: $modulatingMultiplier, in: 0...1000) {
Text("Modulating Multiplier").padding(.horizontal)
Slider(value: $carrierMod, in: 0...1000) {
Text("Carrier Mod").padding(.horizontal)
Slider(value: $amplitude, in: 0...1000) {
Slider(value: $index, in: 0...1000) {
Text("Modulation Index").padding(.horizontal)
}.padding(.horizontal).frame(width: 600)
.onAppear {
detector.onUpdate = {
data.append(Double(detector.pitch) * 0.01)
detector.setFrequency(Frequency : frequency, modulatingMultiplier : modulatingMultiplier, Amplitude: amplitude, cMult : carrierMod, index : index)
When I have a property like this:
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) NSURL *sourceURL;
And then I call:
NSURL *url = self.sourceURL;
Assuming that ARC is disabled, to ensure this object does not leak, must I manually release url? If so, how come I don't have to with:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSURL *absURL = url.absoluteURL;
Despite the absoluteString property also being readonly and copy:
As per Apple:
@property(nullable, readonly, copy) NSURL *absoluteURL;
I heard that "Methods starting with init or new or containing copy transfer, by definition, ownership; all other methods do not.
Does this apply to ALL methods with the word "init" in the name, even if the function is "initialCapitalizationMode", in which initial does not mean the same as init? Or does it only work if it has "init" and then an uppercase letter after the fact?
Assume this code is compiled under ARC:
BOOL method(unsigned a)
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:"hi"];
if (a & 1 == 1)
CFStringRef CF = (CFStringRef)CFBridgingRetain(string);
printf("%s", CFStringGetCStringPtr(CF, kCFStringEncodingUTF8));
Will string get over-released in this example? What if I did the reverse?
BOOL method(unsigned a)
CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, "Hello World!", kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
if (a & 1 == 1)
NSString *ns = (NSString *)CFBridgingRelease(string);
printf("%s", CFStringGetCStringPtr(CF, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
if (string)
Originally, we relied on xcode to compile apps and send them to the App Store.
However, with iPads now having the ability to make apps, are these apps compiled in the same way or is there something else going on?
some of my project’s objective c classes have structs with members. How do I access those members in swift?
The restrict keyword is rarely used in c applications and frameworks. Can clang automatically detect pointers that are mutually exclusive and optimize according to such or is the keyword needed for such optimizations?
Finally does macos and iOS have their functions in C optimized like this as well?
I understand there are many differences between Mac and iOS, but with Macs getting native iOS app support and the two platforms being similar more than ever, I wonder if it is possible to make a singular SwiftUI and then compile it for both, or must I still make a new one for each?