I created a locked camera capture extension as explained in Apple's documentation.
I'm trying to explore the possibilities of using a bluetooth peripheral from that extension - anybody knows if this is possible?
The CBCentralManagerDelegate reports .unsupported in func centralManagerDidUpdateState, even if I have provided all the permissions in Info.plist.
I would like to determine which app version the user first downloaded. For that, I'm using StoreKit and the originalAppVersion property of AppTransaction:
let verificationResult = try await AppTransaction.shared
switch verificationResult {
case .verified(let appTransaction):
return "\(appTransaction.originalAppVersion) (\(appTransaction.environment.rawValue))"
case .unverified(let appTransaction, let verificationError):
// The app transaction didn't pass StoreKit's verification.
The code runs fine, but always returns "1.0" for the app version and "Sandbox" for the environment. I tried debug/release builds and even pushed a build to TestFlight.
Is the only way to test this to push a new App Store version that should go live?