




Reply to I can't view the new agreement in App Store Connect
hey all, I found this happened with an Apple ID which hadn't been set up with two-factor identification (this may or may not have been the cause, but I wanted to mention it in case this helps someone else). For me, the solution was: Set up 2FA for the Apple ID (after this was when I experienced the page not loading, or being blank, when I would log in with the newly-secured Apple ID) Re-send the invitation to App Store Connect from (of course, another account that already has access will need to do this part) Log into using the Apple ID from Step (1) (this may or may not be necessary, but it makes Step (4) go smoother not to be logged in using the ID from Step (2)) Accept the invitation in the email which was sent as a result of Step (2) This took me right to a properly loading and now this ID is all set with App Store Connect access. I hope this is useful! Cheers, Patrick
Apr ’22