




Comment on How to delete container in CloudKit Dashboard?
Respect for the seniority. I have a few corrections though. CoreData works great. If you have the latest version of swift they even added async/await concurrency functions to make it work even better with SwiftUI/Combine and is read/write safe. I've used it for years and my only complaint as of recently is that for some reason they included no delegate or handlers to tell when objects where saved. This last updated fixes that. Id much prefer it to sqlite. I am a bit biased though since I am on the Parse Platform iOS team that uses neither. I digress though. CloudKit is the problem here. Apple's terrible attempt to make any sort of competitor to firebase and other similar services. Its barely covered in WWDC and they've made no recent changes that have any impact whatsoever. I mean if giving them a pass for no integration with xcode wasnt bad enough...the OBVIOUS way they should have handled this would have been super easy. Do it the same as everything else tieing containers to their bundle identifiers just like you do certificates, push, app groups, etc. Deleting the bundle identifier and associated build certs automatically archives CloudKit data and gives you a super obvious place to delete the container. Speaking of flushed down the ******. That is what all experienced developers are going through with Apple shoving SwiftUI down our throats and telling us they will not be supporting UIKit in the long term anymore. From MVVM and MVC to a Redux style architecture on steroids. Just another thought. Codable makes me miss Java's Reflection and its libraries like Jackson. Thats what it is....a half-baked Jackson attempt. Either way it could be worse. We could still be stuck with assembly, rust, visual basic. I just wish they would stop being sooo...Apple. Where they think they. are incapable of releasing a terrible product, or even a terrible framework. They've had 5 versions of swift. How the hell is it so much to ask to get 1 update to CloudKit. Anyway, sorry for the randomness. I love seeing true senior developers toughing it out here with us young guys and our "cutting edge" tech(or lack thereof). You have something none of us can obtain any other way than simply putting in the years and hoping to keep learning along the way. So, keep fighting the urge to curb stomp apple. We dont have many guys like you left.
Dec ’21