I only today start checking and can see that I have few notifications like that in September 2021, a bit before that. And only 1 on October 2021, none after that. So I assume they fixed it.
Same here, I can see only 2 year old builds
Update for my app. We didn't have any releases for a month and yesterday recent version did appear in Metrics. So for this version to appear in metrics, it took 150k sessions during 1 month. I hope it might help other to have some approx benchmark for how long it takes.
Topic is old, but just in case if anyone encounter the same issue in future.
This line create CIImage, without options. By default it chooses wrong color space here.
let ciImage = CIImage(mtlTexture: metalTexture, options: [:])
Do it like this
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
let options: [CIImageOption : Any] = [
.colorSpace: colorSpace
let ciImage = CIImage(mtlTexture: metalTexture, options: options)
It fixed issue with too light images for me.
Just in case, I'm not using these images for actual switch between image and texture in production, this is for debugging purpose, because metal debuggin not always provide proper texture or working at all on older devices/sims
I'm having the same issue. Receiving A LOT of 404 every day. And I even extended delayed attempts. Doing like 8-10 attempts in 3h span...
TBH, I can't attribute it to specific xcode version. Issue might been there for a some time, but I noticed it only now.