




Reply to FocusState and pickers error
In the last WatchOS version 11.2 the bug stills, I know that its a rare case use of the pickers so i think that it wont be fix soon. But this component its the main input data of my app, so my app its almost unusable with a very very bad user experience, so please could you provide a workaround to fix this?
Reply to FocusState and pickers error
The code from the first message works well, the problem its when its in a TabView with pagination in vertical page struct ContentView: View { @State var selection: Int = 1 var body: some View { TabView(selection: $selection) { Text("VIEW-ONE").tag(1) ParentView().tag(2) }.tabViewStyle(.verticalPage) // <---- THIS LINE } } struct ParentView: View { @FocusState private var focusedField: String? var body: some View { VStack { ChildView1(focusedField: $focusedField) ChildView2(focusedField: $focusedField) } } } struct ChildView1: View { @FocusState.Binding var focusedField: String? @State private var selectedValue: Int = 0 var body: some View { Picker("First Picker", selection: $selectedValue) { ForEach(0..<5) { index in Text("Option \(index)").tag("child\(index)") } }.pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle()).focused($focusedField, equals: "first") } } struct ChildView2: View { @FocusState.Binding var focusedField: String? @State private var selectedValue: Int = 0 var body: some View { Picker("Second Picker", selection: $selectedValue) { ForEach(0..<5) { index in Text("Option \(index)").tag("childTwo\(index)") } }.pickerStyle(WheelPickerStyle()).focused($focusedField, equals: "second") } }
Nov ’24