




Reply to Integrate ARKit/SceneKit with React Native
I got it working. Based on that repo approach, I'm calling the storyboard with no issues let MyStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: "MyStoryboard", bundle: Bundle.main) let modelVC = MyStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "myIdentifier") let navController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: modelVC) You need to set up the identifier ID at the storyboard at its settings, and don't forget to ask the camera permissions before navigating to the native storyboard.
Aug ’23
Reply to error:fail of building wheel for grpcio
Hi Frankie. I've ran into the same error. grpcio needs some environment variables to be correctly compiled. add those two lines at the end of your .zshrc file export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_OPENSSL=1 export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_ZLIB=1 Also close/open your terminal app so it will apply the variables at opening the terminal.
Sep ’21