Can we use SwiftUI constructively, or should we wait for a proper implementation of such basic things like the SwiftUI button ?
Thank you but that hardcodes the buttons width, and I'd like to avoid that.
It seems that I'm missing something, I applied that and it doesn't work, please see my response in the main thread, I can't attach pictures here.
Nope, the question is about the "distance between each screen" in AppStore, the gap between screenshots when they are displayed in AppStore.
Any update on this?
Thanks, unfortunately I've filled a couple of bug reports over the years, and also feature improvement reports, and none of them ever got tackled. It looks like Apple doesn't need our bug reports anyways.
No. The solution that I've described above works fine for me and I didn't research further.
What if Apple "keeps this professional" and does not take such radical decisions that affects hundreds of thousands of people. Loading apps on device and debugging is extremely slow, and I've lost hours of works because of this. Guessing by the comments here, tons of feedback has been received by Apple, even from the beta stage, yet Apple released this crawling Xcode.
Setting the 'navigationItem.backBarButtonItem' disables the back swipe gesture. Use with care.
Check the version string, for me if was a misplaced dot "2..1.1", but I read other posts getting the same error for non numeric chars, like for "1.1-2". (Assuming that you have accepted the agreements, which can also cause an error if not.)
NOT fixed, got the same crash 8 years later, it's a shame.
The explanations are clear, yet the File's Owner's very existence reason is unclear, why does it exist since it's not working ?
I have a custom UIView class, MyView, with an IBOutlet member called 'button'. If I set File's Owner as MyView, and the IBOutlet is connected to File's Owners's 'button', I get the error: "this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key button".
If I set the nib's top object class as MyView, and the IBOutlet is connected to MyView's 'button', it just works.
"Manually copying the .simruntime into the intended location for installation is an unsupported workflow."
Why then does the Vision OS dmg begin to download automatically? The DMG contains no instruction about how to use it, hence one would copy it under Library/..., and then start Xcode, which starts but cannot verify the VisionOS.
Yes, that's what I mean. I can change to 2 spaces, but it's the same result overall, 1 indentation level is always there.
I'm doing all that, but it never crossed my mind to switch the kind of scene based on the activity passed in. Thank you!