




Reply to App Stuck "In Review" for Critical Bug Fix
Hello @AppReview, I am following up to seek urgent assistance with the review process for our app. It has now been "In Review" for a cumulative timeframe of nearly 3 weeks since the initial build submission on 6/4. Despite addressing all questions in App Store Connect 11 days ago, we have not received any further updates or an ETA for the review completion. The prolonged review period is severely impacting our ability to operate and deliver updates to our users. We are essentially paralyzed, unable to submit our latest build due to the seemingly indefinite review timeframe. This build includes a fix for the critical bug mentioned in my initial post and important improvements for our core new feature. Could you please provide guidance on what can be done to expedite the review process along with additional transparency on what we can do to rectify any potential issues? We have ensured that our app complies with all relevant guidelines, so we're really not sure what steps to take to get the app approved. Your prompt assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reply to App Stuck "In Review" for Critical Bug Fix
Hello, Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, our app has been stuck "In Review" for a total of 9 days now. I have reached out to the Apple Developer support team multiple times (both via call and email), but there hasn't been any progress despite repeated attempts to expedite the review. We have been part of the Apple Developer program for over 10 years and have never encountered a delay like this. We are quite frustrated and feel very helpless at this point. Could you please advise on what else can be done to escalate the issue so that the review can be finalized? Thank you for your assistance.
Reply to App Stuck "In Review" for Critical Bug Fix
Hello, Thank you for your assistance with our app review. After a 3-4 day wait, our app was rejected due to a mention of our app being featured on a popular news site in our app description. We are a bit confused as this reference was previously approved in earlier reviews, but we have provided the requested information and made changes to the app description to avoid any potential further delays. The app has now been "In Review" again for the past 26 hours. Could you please provide an expected timeline for the completion of the review? As the days continue with our subscription screen crashing, this is having a material impact on our business as well as the user experience. Your assistance in expediting this process would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your support.