I'm able to reproduce this on iOS 14 and 15 as well (although not by any means reduced to its simplest form). I also see memory spike temporarily to 1.5 to 2GB which almost always causes the app to be terminated. All I can conclude so far is that presentation of the keyboard is an important ingredient.
It'd be great to hear of a workaround if anyone has found one.
There's surely a better answer that involves some configuration of the asset. But its strikes me that encoding your asset as a dataset would ensure that the asset compiler attempts to perform no optimizations on your image data.
I just ran into the same error message after installing Xcode 14 Beta 6 running apps on iOS 16 using the iPhone 13 Pro simulator .
I resolved the issue by explicitly granting full disk access to /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS/Simulator (and to Xcode-Beta itself).