




Why has AVSpeechSynthesizer quit speaking?
I have AVSpeechSynthesizer built in to 6 apps for iPad/iOS that were working fine until recently. Sometime between November 2023 and Feb 2024, they just quit speaking on all the apps for no apparent reason. There have been both XCode and iOS updates in the interim, but I cannot be sure which caused it. It doesn't work either in XCode on simulation, nor on devices. What did Apple change? XCode 15.2 iOS 17+ SwiftUI let synth = AVSpeechSynthesizer() var thisText = "" func sayit(thisText: String) { let utterance = AVSpeechUtterance(string: thisText) utterance.voice = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice(language:"en-US") utterance.rate = 0.4 utterance.preUtteranceDelay = 0.1 synth.speak(utterance)}
Feb ’24
No way to make large on-screen keyboard appear for text entry
I just spent an hour with tech-support over an iPadOS problem. I’m finding that in a number of apps, when you go to enter text, there is no way to get the iPadOS to bring up the large on screen keyboard. When delving into Apple tech documentation, apparently it says that if you bring up the floating keypad, there is no way to enlarge it. There also is no mechanism to trigger, bringing it up, so in that situation, you cannot do anything, but type on the tiny floating keypad, which is very bad. Tech-support seemed unable to find a workaround for this. This is a serious flaw or bug in the iPadOS, IMHO. It is erratic. In some cases, tapping in at a text insertion point will bring up the large keyboard on screen. In other cases, it will not. There is even an apple post that says you can enlarge the floating keypad with a two pinch out. This does not work. Yet the post is still up there. It occurs in Safari, Chrome, plus various other apps, but not Notes. It is not occurring in this forum. Can anyone shed some light on this question? iPad Pro 12.9” 2022 iPadOS 16.6.1
Sep ’23
Why is it so hard to simply play an audio file in SwiftUI?
I'm building an app using SwiftUI, and am perplexed at why it seems so difficult to simply play an audio file that is in my assets. One would think it possible to write some code like: play(sound: "(name).m4a") but this seems unsupported. You must write elaborate, verbose code. Anyone comment on why it doesn't 'just work'? I understand that much more complex audio code requires more, but it seems that simply playing a file could be supported.
Mar ’22
How to set UIScreen.main.brightness in SwiftUI
I have a current app in the store written in Objective C that works OK, but I want to update it via SwiftUI as a universal app. In my original app, I adjust the display brightness for night time use by setting UIScreen.main.brightness = 0.2 for example. When exiting the application, I return it to its previous value. I have been unable to find out how this can be done in SwiftUI. Anyone know?
Aug ’21
Storyboard won't zoom when editing macOS app
I'm using XCode 8.2.1 on a MacBook Pro using the most recent macOS.I just finished rewriting one of my early iOS apps in Swift to get it back on the store. It would be useful to some if it were available to run on laptops, so I thought it might be not too difficult to port it over to macOS.Right now, for some reason the zoom controls are not present or working for the storyboard, so you cannot back out and see a complex storyboard clearly. It makes it so awkward and slow work that I have suspended developing this app for macOS until this is fixed.This is such a major bug (which has been already reported by numerous developers, there is a whole discussion outside about this) that I would think it would get fixed pronto. But this doesn't seem to be happening.Is this just me, am I doing something wrong, is it MacBook Pro specific, or is there a workaround?
Feb ’17