I have the same issue. 😢
:( I have the same issue
Xcode 12.0.1
catalina 10.15.7
MacBook 2018 13" 4 thunderbolt
I have the same issue
The issue seems to be fixed on Xcode 13.4. I have the simulator running for three hours with no restart yet.
I have the issue when I have the simulator opened.
MacBook 2018 pro
Xcode 13.4.1 macOS 12.4
I stated the issue to Apple via feedbackassistant.
Anyone have the same issue do it.
I have the issue for months. I reproduced the issue today and I run commands "sudo sysdiagnose" and "xcrun simctl diagnose" and updated it at feedback assistant with id: FB10069968 with the new logs.
Please route the issue to the right teams.
I have received the same email too yesterday. I live in Greece. I received payments normally last months.
I have received the same email yesterday. The bank account is in Greece. I received payments last months successfully.
I had successfull payment a few minutes ago.
I had successfull payment a few minutes ago.
I have the same issue with an update about a application, which I created in 2015.