




Reply to hoe can I create an init view?
SwiftUI I have a idea You can display a view for about a few moments(depending on your statistics) and then about all initializations are done then. but it's really wasting time... and that's the only way I can think of😂 if iOS add a launch screen storyboard if AppKit & UIKit you can do this under imperative lifecycle by changing the interface each time a initialization is done: var SceneLoaded: Bool = false var DatabaseLoaded: Bool = false ..... override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() ... // load a launchscreen and a label print("launched") // load database // change label text to xxxx // load view // change label text to xxxx // init variables and constants // change label text to xxxx print("all done.") } } Note I don't code in imperative life cycle so my code might looks weird🫠
Jun ’22