




macOS app with associated domains feature - not launching after deployment on other machines.
Hi, I have added associated domains support for our desktop app and it works fine on my machine. But when I deploy it on other machines, it is not launching. It throws ‘The application ““ can’t be opened” message. It works fine when I install provisioning profile on those machines. Xcode is not allowing me to code sign the app manually as part of build process. Till now we were dong the same for other apps. Associated domain need a provisioning profile and I have created one distribution profile and code signed it. Now it works fine only on my machine and not working on other machines. It works only on other machines if I install provisioning profile. What should be the issue? How do I work this macOS app on other machines without installing provisioning profile?
Apr ’24
How to fix macOS app to app consent box alert issue?
Hi, I have a MacBook M1 chipset machine; clean setup with macOS Big Sur 11.6.7. Whenever an app try to access another app, system prompts an alert box with 'Don't Allow' & 'OK' buttons. When I click on 'OK' button or 'Don't Allow' button, nothing happens and the dialog remains there forever. What should be the problem? How do I fix this issue? Why system is not responding for user consent alert box actions (OK or Don't Allow)? Thanks -Maju
Jun ’22
system_profiler hangs and timeout after 180 seconds on macOS Big Sur 11.2.3
Hi, I'm using the below command to get the processor name system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep 'Processor Name:' This command works fine on all machines. but in one of the machine, it never returns immediately and hangs for almost 180 seconds and returns. Why it hangs for 180 seconds and timeout? Even if I specify -timeout: 20 into system_profiler command, it timeout without any results after 20 seconds. The same command (with -timeout: 20 and without -timeout) works fine on other machines. The issue happens on a particular machine. Even when I run the command manually from terminal app, I see the same behaviour. What should be the issue? How do I figure out root cause of this issue? Is there any other way to get the processor name from the system?
Mar ’21
XPC Mach service - Integrate custom framework
Hi, How do I integrate custom framework into XPC Mach Service and access those functions part of custom framework ? I have created a XPC Mach service (executable) for providing services to other applications and registered it as launch agent (/Library/LaunchAgents). Service works fine with basic functionalities. I'm able to access services / protocol functions exposed by the Mach Service from another client application and able to retrieve data also from Mach service. But for certain actions , i need to integrate this XPC Mach service with a custom framework. Integrated in the following way: Select XPC Mach Service executable in project settings and click on General - Framework & Libraries Click on + symbol and specify the custom framework from the list and click on add button. Once it is added into project, open main.swift and import that framework and access the functions inside the framework. This works fine and compiler is not showing any errors when I build the project. When i try to access XPC Mach service function, it doesn't return any value. when i check the XPC status using 'launchctl list' command from the terminal, it shows status code as -6 and no process ID is associated for the service. If i remove the custom framework, it works fine. What should be the issue? how do i resolve it? can i integrate a custom framework into XPC mach service? This is a common framework used by our other apps. Any limitations???
Mar ’21
WKWebView - Download data from blob:https:// URL
Hi, I need to download data as a file from blob: URL. My macOS app uses WKWebView control and hosts web page. This web page provides a link to export the contents of the page as a CSV file. webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void)  The above function returns blob: url. But I don't know how to convert/save blob: URL contents into a file. Is it possible to download contents using blob: URL? If so how do I download it?
Jan ’21
Hook drag and drop mail from Apple Mail app into WKWEBVIEW
Hi, Is it possible to hook drag and drop event from Apple into wkwebview control? I have a sample app which hosts wkwebview control on a view controller. This webview can navigate and open any URL. Currently this webview is configured to show one of our internal website. Now when user drag and drop an e-mail from Apple into wkwebview, web view should be able to hook that drop event and extract the selected message as .eml file and put into our site. is it possible to hook that drop event?
Oct ’20
AppleScript for inserting hyperlink inside powerpoint presentation
Hello All, I'm trying to add hyperlink inside powerpoint presentation. Here is the code snippet tell application "Microsoft PowerPoint" activate set aPres to active presentation set newSlides to slides of aPres set newSlide to item 1 of newSlides make new picture at newSlide with properties {file name:"/Users/majumadhusudanan/Downloads/insert_hyperlink.ico", height:100, width:100, lock aspect ratio:true} set sl to current presenter slide make new hyperlink at end of active presentation with properties {hyperlink address:@"", type:"hyperlink range"} end tell But when i run the above script, script editor throws the below error: "Microsoft PowerPoint got an error: Can’t make class hyperlink." What should be the problem? How do i fix this issue? The goal here is to insert hyperlink at cursor point or selected object and link with text should display inside the slide. Thanks
Sep ’20
Finder Sync Extension - Badge update
I have created a main app and added finder sync extension as the target for main app. When user click on a folder, requestforBadgeIdentifier() gets invoked, I'm able to show initial badge icon during that time. But I need to update the badge later based on some condition (synching process). Folder contents are synched using another process. Once synching is completed, I want to update the badges from that process. Can I invoke the below API from another process (not from finder sync extension)? FIFinderSyncController.default().setBadgeIdentifier("cloud", for: url)
Jul ’20
Launch multiple instances of google chrome
Hi, Is there anyway to launch multiple instances of google chrome using the below API? let openConfig = NSWorkspace.OpenConfiguration() openConfig.promptsUserIfNeeded = true openConfig.activates = true openConfig.createsNewApplicationInstance = true if authURL != nil { ssoURL = "\(String(describing: authURL!.description))" openConfig.arguments = [ssoURL!] } NSWorkspace.shared.openApplication(at: appURL!,configuration: openConfig,completionHandler: appCompletionHandler) when i run the above code snippet, it opens new tab in running instance of google app. Is there anyway tp launch multipe instances of goolge app using swift libarry?
Feb ’20
Silently uninstall the product
Hi, The Application launches a Privileged XPC. To running Privileged tasks we use “AuthorizationCreate” AuthorizationCreate(_ rights: UnsafePointer?, _ environment: UnsafePointer?, _ flags: AuthorizationFlags, _ authorization: UnsafeMutablePointer<AuthorizationRef?>?) -> OSStatus which launches a authentication alert where we need to enter user name and password and it returns a AuthorizationRef , After receiving the “AuthorizationRef “ we pass the same AuthorizationRef to XPC while launching XPC via SMJobless SMJobBless(_ domain: CFString!, _ executableLabel: CFString, _ auth: AuthorizationRef!, _ outError: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged?>!) -> Bool The XPC is used to run Privileged tasks. Now I want to run my application on silent mode without any UI, using terminal. Is there any way to skip the authentication alert and get AuthorizationRef without any UI via terminal. The idea here is to uninstall the product silently using shell-script. So our app provides a silent mode which can be invoked from shell script. How do we handle privileged helper installation part? We are running shell-script using admin / sudo mode. Is there anyway to skip privileged mode instalation. prompt when we run the app from shell script? Thanks Majuj
Feb ’20
Chrome or Chromium browser on swift app
Hi, Is there anyway to embed chrome or chromium browser on swift app? I want to perform SSO login using chrome browser and browser should invoke redirect URL when it get response from the server. Currently this is implemented using wkwebvie? but customer wants this to be done using chrome browser. Can we do it?
Feb ’20