I also still getting the same error from sandbox
"x": "Invalid response: Client error: GET https://api.storekit-sandbox.itunes.apple.com/inApps/v1/transactions/2000000632845273 resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response",
while for production url
"x": "Invalid response: Client error: GET https://api.storekit.itunes.apple.com/inApps/v1/transactions/2000000632845273 resulted in a 404 Not Found response:\n{"errorCode":4040010,"errorMessage":"Transaction id not found."}\n",
My app is currently in review (review completed).
I'm using the Get Transaction info API with a sandbox purchase transaction ID. "x": "Invalid response: Client error: GET https://api.storekit-sandbox.itunes.apple.com/inApps/v1/transactions/2000000632750685 resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response",
However, when using the production url
"Invalid response: Client error: GET https://api.storekit.itunes.apple.com/inApps/v1/transactions/2000000632750685 resulted in a 404 Not Found response:\n{"errorCode":4040010,"errorMessage":"Transaction id not found."}\n",
Should I generate my JWT differently for sandbox vs production? If not, what else could cause this issue?
Is there any missing congigration?
I am trying to call Get Transaction Info inApps/v1/transactions/{transactionId}
from PHP server but it always send me back 404 transactions not found,
I receive the transactionId from the app/client when the frontend developer extract the transactionId from the Recipe.
I have generated a good JWT it work with the other endoints such as making some product reads.
I didn't configured server url as I will not use the notification.