Didn’t they deprecate this method for APNS?
Now token based
So far I have not seen any 15.4 crashes for this
Disabling Bitcode sadly is not a fix if you have a WatchOS app
Yes I am also seeing this now with the 13.3 release.
We also cannot disable BitCode due to a WatchOS app
Yes still seeing this on a decent number of 15.2 devices too
We are also seeing this, only iOS15 devices are causing this
Now this is live is there any tech guides on how this is implemented?
Specifically around the identifications, is there any links back to the original purchase ID at all?
Sorry, my reply was being written as you sent that.
Will each Apple ID have a unique original_transaction_id or will it be the same as the primary user?
To clarify,
Ideally we would like each user linked to a Family Sharing transaction to have their own original_transaction_id and susbsequent renewal transactions of their own.
The original Apple recommendations said to rely on this field and so a lot of code hinges around this being unique to a subscription (and with relevant usage limits applied in our code too).
If these get treated as “new” users essentially we are happy for that but ideally some sort of flag saying they are linked to an original in case people run local billing metrics!