




In-App Purchase goes missing when submitting app for review
I'm currently in the process of submitting a new app with a single non-consumable In-App Purchase. After creating the IAP in AppStore Connect, I created a synced StoreKit config in Xcode which correctly loaded the purchase. After making sure that the transaction works as expected within the app, I submitted the app in AppStore connect, including the In-App Purchase. Since then, the In-App Purchase can not be found in the StoreKit configuration and isn't displayed in the app, which lead to the submission being rejected. As requested by the review team, I have resubmitted the In-App Purchase, so it's currently "Waiting for Review" but still not showing up in the StoreKit configuration in Xcode. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong here. I have other apps live in the AppStore with IAPs and no outstanding agreements to sign.
Elevated TabBar in iPadOS 18 covers Navigation-/Toolbar
The new "elevated" tab bar in iPadOS 18 covers the Navigation-/Toolbar of views within. A very simple example: import SwiftUI @main struct SampleApp: App { @State var selection: Int? var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { TabView { NavigationSplitView { List(0..<10, selection: $selection) { item in Text("Item \(item)") .tag(item) } } detail: { if let selection { Text("Detail for \(selection)") .navigationTitle("Item \(selection)") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) } else { Text("No selection") } }.tabItem { Label("Items", systemImage: "list.bullet") } Text("Tab 2") .tabItem { Label("Tab 2", systemImage: "list.bullet") } Text("Tab 3") .tabItem { Label("Another Tab", systemImage: "list.bullet") } } } } } I've tried using .safeAreaInset/.safeAreaPadding for the detail views, but they don't affect the NavigationBar, only the content within. Is there a way to move the NavigationBar down, so its items stay visible?
Oct ’24