




Reply to App won't install from TestFlight
I found a workaround until this is resolved. I was able to install a test flight version that was created a couple of days ago and then update to the latest version. Steps: Uninstall app you are trying to test through test flight Open Test Flight App Touch on app Open Previous Builds Touch on a build that was created earlier before these issues Install that build Go back to all versions Go to the latest version, or version you are attempting to install and touch on it Install version you are trying to test. At least if you're trying to test something specific in test flight, you can through these steps. Once you get another build available or possibly try to install another build through test flight it will break and you'll start getting errors that the Beta has expired. You can get back to a working state again if you go through the steps above again and update to whatever version you are attempting to test.
Dec ’22