In SwiftUI, iOS 18.1.1, Xcode 16.1, the following control:
Text(12345678, format: .byteCount(style: .binary))
displays text with MB (megabytes) unit, but German VoiceOver reads it as "millibars".
I tried explicitly specify units with:
Text(12345678, format: .byteCount(style: .memory, allowedUnits: .mb))
but the result is the same (German VoiceOver still says "millibars").
Aside from creating own accessibility label, is there any way to go around that?
I have collection view with hierarchical data source. Because of that, I create some cells with UICellAccessoryOutlineDisclosure accessory with style UICellAccessoryOutlineDisclosureStyleCell, so one can either tap on cell to open detail view or tap on outline disclosure accessory to reveal hidden child data.
How should I configure outline disclosure accessory to work with VoiceOver on?
It works fine without VoiceOver, but with VoiceOver it seems, that any gesture always leads to opening detail view.
In my iOS/iPadOS app I have notification content extension, which presents extended content using WKWebView. However, when started on lock screen (locked device), WKWebView does not load data properly. Therefore, I would like to ask user to unlock the device before displaying content. This is how Apple Mail does that - when selecting (long-pressing) notification banner on lock screen, it presents unlock screen (Passcode screen) before displaying content.
Do you know, how to do that? Is there any API to present unlock screen programmatically?
Does anyone know, how to programmatically detect top window in multi-window app on iPad? Especially in new overlapping window/Stage Manager environment?