




Reply to Notarization error 1048
Just thought I'd add my own experience, since the other topic is now locked, and it seems relevant to this topic. I one again experienced this error 1048 submitting Developer ID bundles for notarization. It seems I needed to log into, which somehow hadn't authorized this particular computer for login yet. Once I'd logged into it in Safari, and checked that everything was in order, I am now able to upload app bundles for notarization automatically. This may require redoing any time your IP address changes, or, in the case of one user in this topic, if you are accessing via a VPN or proxy of some sort. E: Note, that signing the contracts is not within my capability, since the signing team I am using, I am only a "user" level, so I just have the team's Developer ID certificate and access to the team profile and some of the settings. I still need to bug the team leader whenever the agreements have changed and need to be reviewed and re-signed, which does happen periodically, but isn't what was causing this error for me.
Jan ’21
Reply to Your session has expired, please login
Experiencing this issue with Apple's own Support Forum from iPadOS 15 beta. Log in with fingerprint id, type a message, immediately get a session timeout asking me to "recover" my message, which asks me to log in again, but discards the message I typed. And attempting to type a new message and submit it results in the same session timeout.
Sep ’21
Reply to Controller not working in macOS 12.3
Tested this on 12.4, still having troubles. Looks like two games I tested have broken controller support. Both of them are Unity games using the InControl framework. I tried three controllers with each: An Xbox Series X controller, a DualShock 4 controller, and a Stadia Pro controller connected via USB, which appears as a generic controller with vaguely Xinput like features. Games tested: The World Next Door, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion. Unrelated, Barony for macOS seems to require me to double-click for it to register a single left click now. Cool, games get progressively more broken.
May ’22
Reply to AppleID Login failing in virtualized OS
All of the above. Rebooting my primary machine to test a beta is not feasible, I am regularly in video calls throughout the day, and I would have to disrupt them every time I reboot. The beta is still not stable enough for me to consider running it for regular use. I currently have no less than 5 outstanding feedback issues filed, none of which have been answered yet. One of them is the ability to actually respond to Feedback questions from Apple, which is currently broken. The "This is fixed" / "This is not fixed" bubble prompts do not appear in the dialog, so it is impossible to send a response to Apple.
Jul ’22
Reply to Is it possible to utilize the Spatial Audio API on macOS without targeting Mac Catalyst?
I already solved my problem. AVSampleBufferAudioRenderer supports this perfectly on macOS Monterey (12.0). Plus, the API, even without spatial audio support, is supported all the way down to High Sierra (10.13). You can see where, in my implementation, that I use a function gated by if(@available(macOS 12.0, *)) to enable spatialization. I also use the timed event reporting observer to keep track of the playback position, since currentTime requires Mojave (10.14).
Jul ’22
Reply to How to properly use NSURLSession for audio streaming
I already solved this. It was meant to support either single short replies, or continuous data streaming at a regular playback rate, for playing streaming audio. It turned out to be rather a poor choice for audio streaming in the end. I ended up borrowing a libcurl solution from the DeaDBeeF audio player project. I also added an option to disable peer verification, in case users must use stream servers with either self-signed or expired certificates. It uses the system's libcurl, so it fits the exemption for not bundling any encryption solutions.
Jul ’22
Reply to AppleID Login failing in virtualized OS
Incidentally, it's also not possible to maintain a beta install on a primary development machine if you develop for the App Store, as the beta does not support stable Xcode, and the beta, like all betas in the past, cannot be used to publish to the App Store, unless you use Xcode Cloud to build using a stable version. And I find I cannot use Xcode Cloud, because it messes with my app's Info.plist bundle version in unpredictable ways. I cannot get it to build consistent versioning. I use a template Info.plist and generate the version number from the Git repository at build time, and Xcode Cloud ignores this and stamps the Info.plist with its own decided version string, even one which is incompatible with the App Store, as it contains letters. (It uses the first five of the Git hash as the version string, ignoring my chosen version template of commit number since a specific tag.)
Jul ’22