We have a network extension. It is bundled in an app, that is launched as a launch agent for each user.
When doing the install, the installer bootstraps the agent for each currently-logged-in console user.
When the agent runs, it checks to see if it is the current active console user, and if so, goes through the process of activating the extension. This part works fine.
But... if the installation is done while two users [haven't tried more than 2, sorry] are simultaneously logged in, SysPrefs gets launched for both users.
Is this expected behaviour?
I had this a happen a long time ago, and I suspect that was due to the object not releasing due to its own retained objects. But now it's happening again.
Now, I know this happening because I logged the address of the object, and there are different values alternating in the log.
So my questions really are:
How can I prevent this?
How can I detect this?
consoleUser = SCDynamicstoreCopyConsoleUser(NULL, &uid, &gid);
the string is empty, but not NULL. uid and gid are set properly.
Any idea why this would happen? NB: it only happens from a LaunchAgent, for some reason; if I isolate the code in question, and run it via CLI, it works exactly as expected. And it only seems to happen for one person -- but for him, it happens on both Intel and Apple Silicon.
This is somewhat to my question at On reboot, two instances of faceless app - but slightly different focus.
This is my understanding of how the system works, and please correct me if I'm wrong:
A network extension can only be loaded by an application
That application must contain the extension (in Contents/Library/SystemExtensions)
Only the application instance that loads an extension can get VPN notifications (eg, NEVPNStatusDidChangeNotification)
There does not appear to be a way to get the version of installed network extensions programmatically?
When a second user logs in, and runs the containing app, and requests loading the extension, it does the normal replacement request.
Given that... how is it supposed to handle multiple users (via Fast User Switching)?
We got a crash in some code, I had managed to miss this topic entirely somehow. This says:
Pointer authentication can also expose latent bugs in existing code. In C++, it’s incorrect to call a virtual method using a declaration that differs from its definition. In practice, such calls typically succeed in arm64, but trigger a pointer authentication failure in arm64e. You might encounter this bug when using OS_OBJECT types like dispatch_queue_t and xpc_connection_t. You can’t pass instances of these types from C++ code to an Objective-C++ function (or vice versa) because they’re defined differently in Objective-C++ to support automatic reference counting (ARC).
and, yes, we have both C++ and ObjC++ code, and a class does have a dispatch_queue_t member, and it does get passed around (although I don't think anything other than ObjC++ code touches the member), but... the documentation there says "you can't d this" but has absolutely no information on what you are supposed to do instead.
Again, I've managed to miss this completely, and my network searching ability is pretty awful, so I assume I simply couldn't find documentation on it? (And I can't stream video very well where I am right now.)
We have a containing app for our network extension; it's set up as a faceless app and run as a LaunchAgent. It works rather well, we're happy with it.
Except sometimes, possibly only on M1's, on reboot, it'll show up twice. Our name in the plist is com.kithrup.appName -- simple enough. On reboot, launchctl list shows two com.kithrup jobs -- and the extra one is application.com.kithrup.appName.3238445.3238450.
Anyone have any idea about this?
root# malloc_history /tmp/stack-logs.60147.10f5f7000.agent-tests.0EDkOu.index -callTree
malloc_history[60193]: [fatal] unable to read input graph: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format.
I ran my program as
root# env MallocDebugReport=stderr MallocGuardEdges=1 MallocStackLogging=1 MallocStackLoggingNoCompact=1 MallocScribble=1 MallocErrorAbort=1 DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib ./test/agent-test
(The program then segfaults, which looks to be due to a memory stomper.)
Specifically, it doesn't find anything. (Now, this isn't a huge deal, I was just playing with some queries related to another issue I had, and found that I couldn't search that way.)
Is this expected? eg, mdfind 'kMDItemFSName == "/"' finds nothing.
Our app has a network extension (as I've mentioned lots 😄). We do an upgrade by downloading the new package, stopping & removing all of our components except for the network extension, and then installing the new package, which then loads a LaunchAgent causing the containing app to run. (The only difference between a new install and upgrade is the old extension is left running, but not having anything to tell it what to do, just logs and continues.)
On some (but not all) upgrades... nothing ends up able to communicate via XPC with the Network Extension. My simplest cli program to talk to it gets
Could not create proxy: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named blah was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named bla was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process.}
Could not communicate with blah
Restarting the extension by doing a kill -9 doesn't fix it; neither does restarting the control daemon. The only solution we've come across so far is rebooting.
I filed FB11086599 about this, but has anyone thoughts about this?
Is there a way to get a notification of some type when a new application is installed?
The specifics here have to do with "Here is a list of applications we want to monitor"; I use mdquery to find them (so I can get the paths, and information from the bundle). However, if it's not installed yet, then I can't do that. But if it gets installed later, I'd like to.
Our transparent proxy provider sends flows to a daemon which analyzes and then does proxying. Works fine.
Except that sometimes it stops working. As far as I can tell, it's due to DNS not working. Queries hang -- we've got some internal ones we log, that have timed out after 20 or 30 seconds. Now, clearly, we're doing something bad (because if we kill the daemon and it restarts, everything goes back to working).
Unfortunately, I have forgotten so much I can't figure out how to see where it's broken! Things like dig @ com. any fail -- I am presuming because it's trying to do a lookup of "" and that fails, but I could be wrong. Admittedly, that one doesn't time out, it simply says no servers could be reached. Meanwhile, pinging that address works. (And, also, the local DNS host -- the one provided via DHCP and listed in /etc/resolv.conf and ipconfig getstatus -- behaves the same way.)
I haven't been able to reproduce this myself, unfortunately. Although I have, somewhat interestingly, had a similar issue, which was clearly due to a Google Home WiFi access point (as resetting it fixed the problem, as does moving to another area of the house such that a different AP in the mesh takes over).
On my FreeBSD systems, I'd run tcpdump and truss/ktrace on named, but as I said, I've forgotten so much about how macOS does DNS I'm flailing.
On Apple Silicon only. It's a bad dereference, address 0xbeadddaf65d0 which looks fake.
What does hardening do differently that might cause that, any ideas?
I was surprised I could not find such a template in Instruments / xctrace; maybe it's in something else and I couldn't find it?
(I am trying to figure out why my throughput got slow. Is it because a mutex is too heavy? Or is there a lot of contention over the lock? How long do the locks tend to be held? Etc.)
That's pretty much the question: we've got a tunnel provider, and I think the OS' ability to handle a captive portal situation is better than I could do, so is there a way to find out if we are in one, and if so wait for it to be handled by the user before we start doing things?
This query should find everything with a display name of "Safari." That should include, for example, /Applications/Safari.app.
[bigbook:/tmp] sef% mdfind 'kMDItemDisplayName == "Safari"c'
/Library/Application Support/Apple/Safari
/Users/Shared/Previously Relocated Items 1/Security/System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_MacSoftwareUpdate/f7b05c91052116c046919f72de2c03a86cabcf3e.asset/AssetData/payloadv2/ecc_data/System/Library/Templates/Data/Applications/Safari.app
/Users/Shared/Previously Relocated Items/Security/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Safari.framework/Versions/A/Safari
/Users/Shared/Previously Relocated Items/Security/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Safari.framework/Versions/A/Safari
/Users/sef/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Themes/safari
/Users/sef/Library/Application Support/SyncService/LastSync Data/Safari
And yet, /Applications/Safari.app is in fact missing from there.
Why? (This used to work. But then mds was broken on my machine, so I bit the bullet and upgraded to Monterey. Multiple Monterey systems are showing this weird behaviour.)