OK thanks @MartinMajewski
Yeah, in the example above, there's nothing actually using a binding other than $region, but a binding is required for the coordinateRegion on the Map initializer. And it's also just a plain @State property, so nothing even that fancy.
Not to confuse the issue, but there are some other areas (other than with the MapKit issue above) where I've seen this same warning that make sense to me and I've eliminated the errors in my code. Here is a YouTube video that made my understanding of it a little more clear:
I'm going to assume for now with the MapKit example it's a bug. I just submitted it as an issue in Feedback Assistant in case that helps.
I'd really like to know the answer to this, as well. I'm really fuzzy on a few things around ATT, and I'm certainly not an expert, but some thoughts and other questions below (and I may well be wrong about some things or missing something):
For the IDFA itself, you can show non-personalized ads (the forums won't let me paste Google URLs, but you can search for how to pass consent/lack of consent to the request) and set the SKAdNetworkIdentifier (again, you should be able to search for this), and AdMob seems to work fine without accessing the IDFA and without the IDFA ATT prompt in iOS 14.5 betas.
What I'm a little less clear on is whether there needs to be any sort of ATT for the tracking AdMob does without using the IDFA. The Google documentation for AdMob and iOS 14 indicates that the App Store privacy disclosure should have Location, Identifiers, Usage Data, and Diagnostics as data used to track you. It also says that data is used for tracking even without sending the IDFA. There is a setting for User Metrics in AdMob that seems to indicate that some of this data can be set to not used (but is still sent?). Does turning off User Metrics mean that the ATT doesn't need to be shown? Does it mean that the disclosure doesn't need to include anything other than identifiers? Google's documentation doesn't seem entirely helpful here, and I'm a little confused after reading some of Apple's (I also know there's at least one popular app with a couple hundred thousand reviews on the App Store that is using AdMob and only disclosing Identifiers in data being used to track you. So maybe with these settings off it's all good?)
E.g., this page makes it seem like there should probably be an ATT even without using the IDFA: https://developer.apple.com/app-store/user-privacy-and-data-use/ This goes to some of the questions out there about whether Apple is really eliminated third party "analytics" also. There doesn't appear to be anything preventing the app from working without the ATT and no IDFA usage in iOS 14.5, so is this policy going to be enforced on App Review? Really not sure, and I may be misinterpreting something.
I know it's been a little while since this question was asked, so it's possible that you're already set. Just in case not, despite Google's documentation, it seems like it may take weeks for your app to show up in the AdMob settings page when you search. It took a little over two weeks for one I set up, and I know someone else for whom it took three weeks. After you add the App in AdMob settings, it takes a little longer for ads to show up after that.
Not sure if this is helpful, but I've also been a little concerned with the performance of MapKit JS also. I just filed a report via Feedback Assistant as Frameworks Engineer suggests above. I'm also posting this in the forums, just in case the additional feedback is helpful, and to possibly encourage anyone else who has issues with the performance to file reports via Feedback Assistant. (As an aside, I really like MapKit JS in a lot of ways, so I don't want to sound too negative!)
I'd still like to know if it's possible to change the cursor on a MarkerAnnotation, but I was wrong in what I was saying about anchorOffset on a normal Annotation. It was my mistake on the DOMPoint numbers and my interpretation of them with my custom Annotation. That's the way I ended up accomplishing what I was trying to do.