




EventKit does not provide day of recurrence in recurrence rule for one day recurring event
I am using EventKit to fetch all events from the default Apple Calendar in my app. When there is a custom recurring event in the Apple Calendar with multiple days of recurrence then EventKit returns an array of daysOfTheWeek in the recurrence rule What I mean is Event_A is recurring weekly every Friday and Saturday then EventKit returns an array of objects like this   calendar = "";   endDate = "2022-07-30 11:00:00";   id = "5FFF5521-18BB-497C-8EF5-4E72647A6A24:2AE552B8-85C4-489C-8A36-DACF95D83E61";   lastModifiedDate = "2022-05-20 10:25:01";   rrule =   {     calendar = gregorian;     daysOfTheWeek =     (             {         dayOfTheWeek = Friday;         weekNumber = 0;       },             {         dayOfTheWeek = Saturday;         weekNumber = 0;       }     );     freq = weekly;     interval = 1;     until =     {       count = 0;       date = "2022-07-31 23:59:59";     };   };   startDate = "2022-07-30 10:00:00";   title = MultipledayswithEnd; }, But if an event is recurring for only single day then eventkit does not return daysOfTheWeek object i.e. Event_B is recurring weekly every Monday then the object received from the eventkit is as follows   calendar = "";   endDate = "2022-07-27 11:00:00";   id = "5FFF5521-18BB-497C-8EF5-4E72647A6A24:C57AFD95-75A0-4F75-B4F0-00D7321BFB21";   lastModifiedDate = "2022-05-20 10:27:23";   rrule =   {     calendar = gregorian;     freq = weekly;     interval = 1;     until =     {       count = 0;       date = "2022-07-31 23:59:59";     };   };   startDate = "2022-07-27 10:00:00";   title = Singlewithend; }, The issue is I would like to display the day of recurrence in my app which I am able to in case of Multi-day recurring events because I receive the days in dayOfTheWeek object but I cannot do it in Single-day recurring events. The code for fetching events from the Calendar is as follows   NSPredicate *fetchCalendarEvents = [eventStore predicateForEventsWithStartDate:[NSDate date] endDate:endDate   calendars:calendarArray];   NSArray *matchingEvents = [eventStore eventsMatchingPredicate:fetchCalendarEvents];   NSMutableArray * eventsDataArray = [self eventsToDataArray:matchingEvents]; Can someone please help me with this issue?
May ’22
Launch Screen storyboard migration issue
I have an app built in Objective C which uses Launch Screen Image Set as a splash screen. According to recent Apple's new Guidelines Apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later and use an Xcode storyboard to provide the app’s launch screen. Reference - I removed the Launch image and added a LaunchScreen.storyboard with an UIImageView. After making the mentioned change all my screens following the Launch screen appear to have scaled-down in dimensions whereas before adding the LaunchScreen.storyboard it worked fine for all iPad screen sizes. I am confused as to why migrating from Launch screen image to LaunchScreen.storyboard is affecting the constraints of all the remaining screens. Please could someone help me here?
Jun ’20