Found a guide in WWDC 2021:
Found a solution to persist data in Edit Mode. In your Edit View
// Core Data Model
@ObservedObject var data: Data
// Your Text Field
@State private var titleInput: String = ""
NavigationView {
Form {
TextEditor(text: $titleInput)
.onAppear {
self.titleInput =
Thank you Ricob.
Created a new func in CoreDataStack without async to save data from Shortcuts and all data are saved in CoreDataStack successfully.
func handle(intent: CreateNoteIntent, completion: @escaping (CreateNoteIntentResponse) -> Void) {
let title = intent.title!
let isBookmark = intent.isBookmark!
/// Access core data stack `Data` to save the note contents
var dataProvider: datasProvider = .shared
dataProvider.addDataFromShortcut(time: Date(), title: title, isFavorite: isBookmark as! Bool)
let response = CreateNoteIntentResponse(code: .success, userActivity: nil)
Thank you for the reply @Jineshsethia, I'm only fetching the current date sunEvents and the latitude and longitude details are available in let journalingWeather = CLLocation(latitude: latitude, longitude: longtitude). Could you advise how to use the decoder?
Thank you very much! Ya, it works now!
Found a solution! Can refer to sample code here for solution: to use multiple entity and to preview your UI in XCode Canvas.
Thanks @Gong ! Issue resolved after I disabled flexible matching.
Issue resolved with the following code. Might be helpful for future reference for anyone.
var coreDataProvider: PersistenceController = .shared
@State private var navigationSelection: Panel? = Panel.selectedView
@State private var searchedItem: CoreDataEntity = CoreDataEntity()
@State private var searchText: String = ""
@State private var isShowingDetailView: Bool = false
var body: some View {
ContentView(searchText: $searchText)
.onContinueUserActivity(CSSearchableItemActionType, perform: { activity in
// Navigate the search results to the respective view.
self.navigationSelection = .selectedView
guard let searchString = userActivity.userInfo?[CSSearchQueryString] as? String else {
// Spotlight search string
self.searchText = searchString
.onContinueUserActivity(CSSearchableItemActionType, perform: { activity in
self.navigationSelection = .selectedView
if let info = activity.userInfo,
let objectIdentifier = info[CSSearchableItemActivityIdentifier] as? String,
let objectURI = URL(string: objectIdentifier) {
let uri = objectURI
let container = coreDataProvider.persistentContainer
if let objectID = container.persistentStoreCoordinator.managedObjectID(forURIRepresentation: uri) {
if let item = container.viewContext.object(with: objectID) as? CoreDataEntity {
// Switch to the state corresponding to the item
self.searchedItem = item
self.isShowingDetailView = true
.sheet(isPresented: $isShowingDetailView) {
self.isShowingDetailView = false
} content: {
SpotlightResultsView(searchedItem: $searchedItem, isShowingDetailView: $isShowingDetailView)
Hope this is helpful and have fun!