




Error Analyzing App Version without details while distributing app
Xcode Version 13.3.1 (13E500a) I was distributing my flutter app for TestFlight and this message came out, saying Error Analyzing App Version, without providing any details. Here's the last part of the logs that I've gotten from "Show Logs", but I can't find any useful message from it. "1.2.840.113635.", "1.2.840.113635." ), issueDate='2022-01-25 01:01:09 +0000''> for <DVTFilePath:0x7fbd220ebc70:'/Users/chan/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2022-05-10/Runner 10-05-2022, 5.16 PM.xcarchive/Products/Applications/'> 2022-05-10 09:26:35 +0000 App Store Connect request for store configuration response: <DVTITunesConnectConfigurationResponse: 0x7fbd610319a0; isSuccessful='1', configuration='{ WPYRSFU994 = { "" = { architectures = { defaultArch = { defaultProductType = { format = { bitCode = { supportLevel = required; }; compiledCode = { supportLevel = deprecated; }; }; }; }; }; iconSource = { largeAppIcon = carInBinary; primaryIcons = carInBinary; }; onDemandResources = { sizeLimits = { assetPack = 512000000; total = 20000000000; }; supportLevel = supported; }; }; "" = { architectures = { defaultArch = { defaultProductType = { format = { bitCode = { supportLevel = supported; }; compiledCode = { supportLevel = deprecated; }; }; }; }; }; iconSource = { largeAppIcon = unsupported; primaryIcons = pngInBinary; }; onDemandResources = { sizeLimits = { assetPack = 512000000; total = 20000000000; }; supportLevel = supported; }; }; "" = { architectures = { defaultArch = { defaultProductType = { format = { bitCode = { supportLevel = unsupported; }; compiledCode = { supportLevel = required; }; }; }; }; }; iconSource = { largeAppIcon = pngInBinary; primaryIcons = pngInBinary; }; onDemandResources = { supportLevel = unsupported; }; }; "" = { architectures = { defaultArch = { defaultProductType = { format = { bitCode = { supportLevel = required; }; compiledCode = { supportLevel = deprecated; }; }; }; }; }; iconSource = { largeAppIcon = unsupported; primaryIcons = pngInBinary; }; onDemandResources = { supportLevel = unsupported; }; }; configModelVersion = "1.1"; }; preflight = ( WPYRSFU994 ); }', alertMessage='(null)', errors='( )', warnings='( )', infoMessages='( )'> 2022-05-10 09:26:35 +0000 App Store Connect team IDs for account are ( WPYRSFU994 )
May ’22
Getting The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken ERROR while pushing for Testflight
Hi, I'm getting this error while pushing my app for testflight Dear Developer, We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "MyAppName" 1.4.24 (1). Please correct the following issues, then upload again. ITMS-90129: The bundle uses a bundle name or display name that is already taken. Best regards, The App Store Team I've been abled to push version 1.4.16, 1.4.17, 1.4.19, 1.4.20 successfully before with no issues, and I'm sure I'm still holding the bundle identifier but yet this error is still appearing everytime I try to upload a new build. I'm wondering if anyone else having the same problem?
Sep ’22
TabView tint color only works if launching from XCode and disrespect colorScheme
I have a really strange problem here, where I've tried various method to change tint color, but they are only working if I launch it from XCode. Once I relaunch it from home screen, it'll return back to light mode tint color (black text), and does not respect colorScheme when I change it manually in system settings. Accent color works just fine. So I'm wondering what could be the reason behind it? .onAppear{         UITabBar.appearance().unselectedItemTintColor = //(or any other colors)       }
Dec ’22