




App Rejected Due To On Demand Resources Error. Unable to Replicate
Hi,As the title suggests, I've been getting app review rejections for my app which uses on-demand resources due to errors downloading the content. Specifically, my app receives a NSBundleOnDemandResourceInvalidTagError, which according to docs happens when the code references tags that aren't included in the tag manifest. The thing is, I only use a handful of tags and when I test those tags locally and through test flight everything works perfectly fine. It's only when the app enters app review that the error starts appearing and I'm at a loss for what to do because I can't replicate this. In the past I've eventually gotten versions approved just through continuing to resubmit builds and sometimes the problem doesn't occur. Has this happened to anybody else? Does anybody have any guidance on this situation?I know on-demand resources have had a lot of issues through the years: You,Julien
Apr ’20