I am trying to create a dmg file by launching hdiutil through my swift program.
This swift program is sandboxed.
Here is what i've done:
let hdd_file:String = NSHomeDirectory() + "hdd.dmg.sparseimage"
let process = Process()
process.launchPath = "/usr/bin/hdiutil"
process.arguments = ["create", "-size", "30g", "-fs", "'APFS'", "-volname", "myvolume", "-type", "SPARSE", hdd_file]
let pipe = Pipe()
process.standardOutput = pipe
let data = try pipe.fileHandleForReading.readToEnd()
I get this error:
hdiutil: create failed - Device not configured
I don't understand why i get this error because the dmg file is created in application's sandbox home directory.
Or maybe hdiutil is forbidden but i am just creating a dmg file. I am not trying to mount a device.
Do you have any idea of how i can create a dmg file from my sandboxed application ?
I am setting up a Linux virtual machine with Virtualization framework.
It works fine.
Here is how i am creating a network interface:
let network_device = VZVirtioNetworkDeviceConfiguration()
network_device.attachment = VZNATNetworkDeviceAttachment()
vm_config.networkDevices = [network_device]
As you can see, this is a NAT network. I would like to know the IP address assigned to this interface. macOS emulates a DHCP server and i would like to know the IP in my Xcode program.
How can i do that ?
Let's imagine an application (Application A) which launch another application (Application B). These applications are bundle apps.
What happens if Application B tries to read a file in current user's Documents folder ?
TCC will check if the application is allowed to access to Documents folder. But will it check this right for application A or application B (or both ?)
I have tried to run an application from Terminal. My terminal is authorized to access to Documents folder. And i am surprised because TCC did not asked me to allow the application itself. It seems TCC is looking for parent process rights. Can you confirm ?
I have tried to create a thread with thread_create_running API.
It works but i would like to suspend this thread. I can call thread_suspend, but my thread has already been start before i call this API.
Is there a way to create a thread without running it automaticaly.
I have create a dynamic library with gcc:
gcc -dynamiclib liblib1.c -o liblib1.dylib
I have create a binary which needs this dynamic library:
gcc -L./ -llib1 test.c -o test
I have looked at mach-o commands in test binary. I have seen the library is loaded with LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB. How can i load the library with LC_LOAD_DYLIB instead of LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB ?
And i have a second question: Is it possible to compile the binary with a static linking of the library ? I have tried with -static option, like i do on Linux but it does not work on macOS and i don't understand why...
My purpose is to understand how macOS works.
Here is what i've done: I have wrote a c program on a M1 CPU with this lines:
printf("Before breakpoint\n");
asm volatile("brk #0");
printf("After breakpoint\n");
When i run this program with lldb, a breakpoint is hit on the second line. So i suppose lldb is writing a "brk #0" instruction when we put a breakpoint manually.
I can't continue to next line with lldb "c" command. PC stays on the brk instruction. I need to manually set PC to next instruction in lldb.
Now, what i want to do is to create my own debugger. (I want to understand how lldb works).
I have managed to ptrace the target program and i was able to catch an event with waitpid when "brk #0" is hit. But i don't know how i can increase PC value and continue execution because i can't do this on Silicon CPU:
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, child_pid, NULL, &regs);
ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, child_pid, NULL, &regs);
kill(child_pid, SIGCONT);
So my question is: How does lldb managed to change ARM64 registers of a remote process ?
I have made a basic c program and i have compiled it with gcc.
This program has not been signed (i didn't run codesign).
When i am trying to run this program from terminal, i don't get any Gatekeeper popup.
My first question is... why ?
I have create a SwiftUI project with Xcode (Xcode 15).
I have set signing settings to "Sign to run locally" (by the way, can you tell me how i can disable signing in Xcode ?)
I have opened terminal and i have changed current directory to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivatedData/..../Products/Debug/MyApp.app/Contents/MacOS folder.
Now i get a gatekeeper confirmation popup if run "./Myapp" from terminal.
My second question is... Why ?
Does that mean Gatekeeper only checks signed binaries ?
I am read some binaries are "SIP protected".
SIP means System Integrity Protection.
I know this is a security mechanism under macOS.
But i don't understand what is a "SIP protected binary".
Is it a binary located in a specific folder ? Is it a binary signed with "hardened runtime" ?
I am wondering the value-add of autorelease in swift.
Look at this code:
for i in (0...10)
let obj1=MyClass()
obj1 will be released at the end of autorelease block.
But i can also work with a function like this (or a closure):
func test()
let obj1=MyClass()
for i in (0...10)
obj1 will be released at the end of the test function.
Do you agree we have the same result in memory in both cases ?
If so, when should we work with autorelease ?
Look at this basic C program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("%llx\n", main);
return 0;
The displayed address change on each run. This is due to ASLR.
Is there a way to launch a program by forcing the main module's base address
I would like to do something like that in my terminal:
$ BASE_ADDRESS=0x10000 ./a.out
How can i do that on mac os ?
Is it possible to force base address loading for shared libraries too ?
Look at this SwiftUI view:
struct ContentView: View
var body: some View
Text("Hello !")
The Text("Hello") line is a closure. Am I wrong ?
There is an implicit return. I can write this:
struct ContentView: View
var body: some View
return Text("Hello !")
I can put multiple lines like this:
struct ContentView: View
var body: some View
Text("Hello !")
Text("Hello2 !")
I don't understand how works internally the implicit return in this case because we have 2 components.
Also, can you explain me why i can't put a basic swift line code like this:
struct ContentView: View
var body: some View
Text("Hello !")
Text("Hello2 !")
I do not understand something in my code bellow:
class Dog: Identifiable
var name = "Test"
var age = 3
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var model = Dog()
let nf = NumberFormatter()
var body: some View {
TextField("Name", text: $model.name)
TextField("Age", text: $model.age, formatter: nf)
I have a compilation error: "Trailing closure passed to parameter of type 'FormStyleConfiguration' that does not accept a closure"
If i remove the age TextField, everything works fine.
Do you have any idea ? Maybe i have made something wrong with text formatter ?
There is something i do not understand about TCC:
I have allowed Terminal app to Full Disk Access.
I was able to open my current user's TCC.db file with sqlite3 from terminal.
I was able to delete entries in access table with sqlite3.
I had no errors, but these changes haven't been applied.
My question is why was I able to modify TCC.db file ?
Is there a specific thing to do to flush privileges ?
I have a second question:
When an application fires an NSOPenDialog on a cocoa application, the selected file access rule bypasses TCC. This is normal because this is an intent from user.
But this file access seems to be stored somewhere because if i reboot computer, my cocoa application can read this file again, without NSOpenDialog opening. I have tried to look in current user's TCC.db file but i did not found anything. My question is: where is this information stored ?
Can you explain me why it is not possible to work with VZVirtualMachine on iOS ?
iPad is working with the same ARM chips than mac.
It would be great to create a Linux VM on an iPad pro for example...
I am tossing a bottle into the sea...
It is possible to restrict access to Desktop or Documents folder with TCC for a given application in macOS Preferences.
For example Terminal is not allowed to access Documents folder. But i have see it is possible to write files or to create directory from Terminal !
I don't understand this behaviour. Is there a particular reason ?