




Reply to Displaying USD File in SwiftUI
Cole from Scandy wrote a nice blog article about this a number of years ago. I don't think his mesh was textured though, so the method described may not yield the results you're looking for.
May ’24
Reply to ARSession and RoomCaptureSession
Re: @sducouedic's question, configuration changes aren't immediate. Add this delegate method to see that the sceneDepth semantic is enabled. public func captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didAdd room: CapturedRoom) { if (session.arSession.configuration?.frameSemantics.contains(.sceneDepth)) != nil { print("Scene depth is supported") } }
Jan ’24
Reply to SceneKits future
One thing that's a blocker with RealityKit currently is the lack of support for custom geometry. We needed to show a shaded mesh during a reconstruction session, so we were driven back to ARSCNView which worked great, but of course requires abandoning ARView. Around 2:45 in this recently posted tech talk there's a comment: "We're overlaying the ARFrame image with a mesh being generated by ARKit using the LiDAR sensor... and the colors are based on a classification of what the mesh overlays" would be extremely helpful to know if this demo used ARSCNView!. Could you tell us how this was done? Best regards,Jim Selikoff
Apr ’20