




Catalyst symbol assets lost in app thinning after App Store Connect upload
Our app has some custom vector symbol images stored in an asset catalog. Images using these symbols work fine on macOS Catalyst when building/running/debugging locally. Until we post the macOS catalyst app to TestFlight. The app downloaded from TestFlight does not contain these symbols. (The same symbols work fine on iOS/TestFlight) I've verified that the archive that's uploaded to AppStore Connect contains these symbols in the resource, which is 1.9MB. The resulting binary downloaded from TestFlight has an resource which is 1.5MB. The asset catalog editor in Xcode does not give a UI to select the idiom for these SVG resources, but the underlying JSON for the asset does specify the "universal" idiom. So why are these assets being thinned out of the download of the macOS catalyst app? What am I missing here?
Nov ’21
StoreKit Configuration: how to reset testing state?
I've been testing in app purchase using a StoreKit Configuration file in Xcode 13. This is a great feature, and makes things much easier. However, I can't figure out how to reset the state back to initial conditions (i.e. no purchases). On iOS simulators, I have found that the menu command Device->Erase All Content And Settings works. While it's cumbersome, it does the trick. However, I'm testing a Mac catalyst version of my app, and have found several issues with StoreKit testing here. On macOS Big Sur, the reliability of getting a receipt written to my app is very low. Either no _MASReceipt/receipt gets written, or it will get written to for one debugging session, and then stop updating. The only way I have found to get the receipt to update again is to reboot my system. The other, arguably worse problem with Mac catalyst and StoreKit testing, is that I really do need to reset the state to initial conditions. In the course of my app running in the debugger with a very high renewal rate, my receipt has amassed 23,000+ transactions in it. There is no "Reset Contents and Settings" here like in the iOS simulator obviously. And the Xcode transactions editor window comes up empty, so I can't delete them there. I'm sure there's some file/directory somewhere that I can delete, I just have no idea what it is or where to look. Any tips would be appreciated!
Oct ’21