




Reply to can I make update the my free paid Apps although Paid apps agreements status is still pending user info?
About last year I was in the same situation (pending banking info) and couldn't update my free apps. I believe that doesn't change, though I hope they do. If anyone can submit free app with user info pending, please comment! My clients just accepted the new agreement that came out today and automatically have to accept Schedules 2 and 3 despite only providing free apps, not sure what happened. You can press contact us button located on the bottom right of App Store Connect page and ask them to remove the paid app agreement. Alternatively, you can also proceed with filling out the user info, you won't get charged for anything unless one day you provide paid apps / IAP.
Dec ’21
Reply to Not able to install enterprise build in iOS 15 beta version
Hello, did you get it fixed? I have the same problem and none of the solutions here or other places help. The project refuses to install on physical device but works in on simulators. This started happening yesterday after updating to Big Sur to 11.5.1. My device was using iOS14.5 for some times and there were no problem installing. I'm not sure if updating the OS automatically update Xcode since I don't remember what version I was using, but the problem occurs instantly after the OS update and mac restarts. Any advice from anyone is appreciated. Some info: physical device now uses iOS14.7 Xcode version is 12.5.1 project was first created in 2019 frameworks are installed through Carthage, they are xcframework files and are not embed I use 2 simulators with iOS12.3 and iOS14.4, they currently work fine Unlike post owner's app, this project is not an enterprise app What I tried: Tried to resign code as instructed by meaton, -2 to -7 all have values Cleared derived data, cleared Carthage cache, clean build, restarted phone and mac, rebuild frameworks
Aug ’21