Same thing here.
You can use your free account, and there's no problem with that. That's what makes this challenge accessible, haha. 🙂
However, you should check whether your country's jurisdiction allows you to apply with your age. That should be easily checkable by accessing the application form with your personal account (assuming its registered birthdate is correct), and seeing if it allows you to proceed.
Last year, that wasn't really my case. In Brazil (where I live), the minimum age for application is 16. I was 14. So I followed what some people told me to do and sent Apple an email asking if one of my parents could do something to allow me into the competition. They replied with a document that would do the trick. I then submitted my project and essays through my dad's Apple ID and emailed the signed declaration to Apple. It worked (and I got the prize!) 🎉
According to the terms and conditions:
Legal guardians of developers under 13 years of age, or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction (for example, under 16 years of age in the European Union) may request permission for their child to apply by sending an email to Permission may be granted at Apple's discretion.
Hope I can help someone if they find themselves in the same situation!
As long as it is an Xcode Playground and not an Xcode project, it can be whatever you want it to be!
Let your creativity flow! ✨