You need to enclose the module variable name in backward tick marks.
Enclose the variable name in back tic marks.
Have you tried enclosing module in 'module'?
That is supposed to ket you use keywords as variable names.
I'm on my phone and that might be the wrong tick.
It is the one below the ~ on U.S. english keyboards.
It might be worth checking that you are running the right copy of the xcode tools.
It likely is an issue with the timezone,
You might need to ensure you are using a consistent timezone for converting the dates.
You could use the XCUIElementSnapshotProviding class snapshot function to see what the ui test is seeing.
For what its worth, I don't have that library at that location on my personal or work apple silicon mac.
The format strings are designed for the Gregorian calendar.
If this is meant to be shown to the user, you should an appropriate localized format.
The timer runs on the current thread and you are telling that thread to sleep forever.
You aren't giving much in the way of details.
Is the macbook on the same network as the phone?
What scheme is the url using?
Is the phone using the same dns server?
What about creating a view that shows data for a month.
Create an outer data model with a list of months to show that drives a scrollable list.
That usually means that the simulator isn't compatible with the version of Macos you are running.
In the end, the simulator is a mac app and it depends on macos to simulate ios.
If you uninstall it, that ios version isn't likely to show as available for download.
Apple's actual implementation code isn't going to show in xcode.
The only thing that will be visible is the API.
What I would do is trigger an interval timer using the date/time timer.
I think that storing small amounts of arbitrary data is stored as a blob in the database and large blocks are saved in the file system with the database having a pointer to the file.
I would expect the intended way to retrieve the data is using a fetch request rather than trying to access the file yourself.