Ok something I just found by testing a theory. The existing records are not showing when I do the query you suggested previously, but if I create a new record from CloudKit console then it shows in the query. Also if I edit a record using CloudKit console with the iCloud user then it shows...
Does this mean that only the new records are going to get indexes? And what about once I deploy these changes to production, am I going to have problems for a while because it isn't indexing properly?
Ok, I'll try that. But what if that doesn't work either? How can I know if it is because the indexing is failing, and how can I fix that?
No, that also shows no records. But I can see the the user's id when I just click on the "recordName" of one of the records that should be showing up in the query.
What should I do if the user id that comes back in the "fetchUserRecordIDWithCompletionHandler" matches records but the query using the reference returns nothing?
Is there something that would cause the query to come back successful but empty, even when there are records present? I verified the records exist using the CloudKit console.
wow...Just figured out why it is acting like this! And it is aggravating....
If you edit a record without all the fields showing in the results list it breaks the query. :(
If I edit the same record and remove the value and re-add it with all fields showing in the results, then the query starts working....
I am having the same issue reported in this thread. Is there something I have to do to get this working again?
Thank you, I'll check it out.
I am also experiencing this issue..
Opening a ticket…:(
The fake leaderboard and achievement trick doesn’t seem to work…. :(
Yea, I was doing this for my scaling:
`Image(uiImage: image)
.frame(width: width, height: height)
.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20))
.scaleEffect(self.isDragging ? 1.5 : 1)
So basically assigning the changed scale to the .scaleEffect() of the view.
I also tried with the new .onUpdated() in the MagnificationGesture, like this:
.updating($scale, body: { (value, scale, trans) in
scale = value.magnitude
And defined@GestureState private var scale: CGFloat = 1.0` in the definition of my view. None of this seems to work. :(