I can confirm this. The externalPort is 0 in my DNSServiceNATPortMappingReply despite kDNSServiceErr_NoError. I'm calling directly in my app's code, not via XPC.
Are you building on the same machines or different machines?
If different machines, you may need to manually download the new WWDR intermediate certificate and install it in the keychain.
I tried to renew my membership a number of times, using Safari, Chrome, and Firefox, and 2 different credit cards. It always failed at the step where it needed further authorization from the bank. My iPhone would even get an authorization code from my bank, but then I couldn't enter it because Apple's page reloaded to an error.
Finally I called up developer support on the phone and asked to pay over the phone. I was escalated to another person, and I was able to successfully pay and renew. They had to take my credit card info verbally.
Sorry, my mistake! The extension was not properly loaded. It's working now in private windows.
Did this change recently? I'm not seeing my extension in a private window with Safari 13.1, but I am seeing it with Safari 14 and Safari Tech Preview.
You've already figured out that -[ExtensionsPreferencesOld canEnableExtensions] in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Safari.framework is buggy, hopefully?