




Reply to Swift Charts Won't Update a Variable Value
I have checked that because I am using an iOS playground I can't use the Observable macro as it seems to be unavailable in an iOS playground. Here is my full code for the SwiftUI view if this helps at all (P.S. I tried adding @State to goalItem but that didn't seem to do anything): import Charts enum ChartTimeFrame: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable { case week, month, sixMonth, year, all var id: Self { self } } struct GoalDetailView: View { @State var goalItem: GoalItem @State private var pickerTimeFrame: ChartTimeFrame = ChartTimeFrame.week @State private var showLogSheet: Bool = false @State var logScore: Double = 6.0 @State var logNotes: String = "" @State var logDate: Date = @Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss var body: some View { VStack { Picker("Timeframe", selection: $pickerTimeFrame) { Text("W").tag(ChartTimeFrame.week) Text("M").tag(ChartTimeFrame.month) Text("6M").tag(ChartTimeFrame.sixMonth) Text("Y").tag(ChartTimeFrame.year) Text("ALL").tag(ChartTimeFrame.all) } .pickerStyle(.segmented) .padding() Chart { let currentDate = BarMark ( x: .value("Day", "Today"), y: .value("Score", goalItem.getLogItemByDate(date: currentDate).score) ) } .frame(maxHeight: 225) .padding() Spacer() List { NavigationLink(destination: GoalDataList(goalItem: goalItem)) { Text("Show All Data") } .navigationTitle( .toolbar { Button("Log") { showLogSheet.toggle() } .sheet(isPresented: $showLogSheet) { // goal log sheet code GoalLogSheet(goalItem: goalItem) } } } .scrollDisabled(true) } } } Thanks again
Feb ’24
Reply to Apple intelligence
Hello, Apple Intelligence is about 4GB on iPhones so it shouldn't take too long to download. Even if you are on a 5G connection, the cell service in your area could be congested depending on how many people are using the cell tower at the moment. If it isn't, many times when downloads begin on devices, it says it will take a lot longer than it actually will (at least in my experience). If the issue continues, it is possible it is a bug of some kind because Apple Intelligence is still in the beta stage. You could also try restarting your device or trying it on WiFi. Best wishes, Jesse
Oct ’24
Reply to Weather App
This is currently a known issue with iOS. I have also been receiving these alerts on my iPhone. Currently, there is no workaround except for disabling weather notifications and alerts altogether. I expect that Apple will fix this in a future update (or we can just wait until it cools down in California).
Oct ’24