I had same issue, with Xcode Version 13.3.1 (13E500a), I just deleted the existing provision profile and certificate from the KeyChain, Go on Developer.Apple.Com, Selected the existing provision profile that I was using and click edit and just save did not make any changes and then download it on my machine. Then install both certificates and provision profile and it solve my problem.
@scottfromaddison @ShubhamT
This might be happens if you set the NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar = false in xaml file or it in the constructor.
The simplest solution is that you can hide the NavigationBar in OnPageAppear and that will resolve this issue.
I am also having the same project and just removed NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar = false from .XAML file to .Xaml.cs and in OnViewAppear() method and it resolve the iOS 18.0 issue