




pointOfInterestCategory missing on mapkit js placeLookup
const lookup = new mapkit.PlaceLookup() lookup.getPlace(input?.id, (error, place) => { console.log("place", place) ... gives me for example { "id": "I65A54A72CE9E45D6", "alternateIds": [ "IB86C41DA005E0D9B" ], "muid": "7324342225941186006", "_styleAttributes": "4:226,6:16,10:0,82:12,85:12,89:1,164:1,193:1", "name": "The Museum of Modern Art", "region": { "center": { "latitude": 40.7612829, "longitude": -73.9768677 }, "span": { "latitudeDelta": 0.008983199999995861, "longitudeDelta": 0.01186000000001286 } }, "coordinate": { "latitude": 40.7617238, "longitude": -73.9777654 }, "formattedAddress": "11 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019, United States", "countryCode": "US", "telephone": "+12127089400", "urls": [ "" ], "country": "United States", "administrativeArea": "New York", "administrativeAreaCode": "NY", "locality": "New York", "postCode": "10019", "subLocality": "Manhattan", "thoroughfare": "W 53rd St", "subThoroughfare": "11", "fullThoroughfare": "11 W 53rd St", "areasOfInterest": [ "Manhattan" ], "dependentLocalities": [ "Midtown Center", "Midtown East", "Midtown Manhattan", "Midtown", "North Hudson" ], "timezone": "America/New_York", "timezoneSecondsFromGmt": -14400 } Note there is no pointOfInterestCategory. but const place_search = new mapkit.Search() input, (error, result) => { console.log("result_places_0", result?.places?.[0]) ... i get { "id": "I65A54A72CE9E45D6", "alternateIds": [ "IB86C41DA005E0D9B" ], "muid": "7324342225941186006", "_wpURL": ",%20New%20York,%20NY%20%2010019,%20United%20States&ll=40.7617238,-73.9777654", "_styleAttributes": "4:226,6:16,10:0,82:12,85:12,89:1,164:1,193:1", "pointOfInterestCategory": "Museum", "name": "The Museum of Modern Art", "region": { "center": { "latitude": 40.7612829, "longitude": -73.9768677 }, "span": { "latitudeDelta": 0.008983199999995861, "longitudeDelta": 0.01186000000001286 } }, "coordinate": { "latitude": 40.7617238, "longitude": -73.9777654 }, "formattedAddress": "11 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019, United States", "countryCode": "US", "telephone": "+12127089400", "urls": [ "" ], "country": "United States", "administrativeArea": "New York", "administrativeAreaCode": "NY", "locality": "New York", "postCode": "10019", "subLocality": "Manhattan", "thoroughfare": "W 53rd St", "subThoroughfare": "11", "fullThoroughfare": "11 W 53rd St", "areasOfInterest": [ "Manhattan" ], "dependentLocalities": [ "Midtown Center", "Midtown East", "Midtown Manhattan", "Midtown", "North Hudson" ], "timezone": "America/New_York", "timezoneSecondsFromGmt": -14400 } which gives me "pointOfInterestCategory": "Museum" I think pointOfInterestCategory should also be returned in the placeLookup and might be a mapkit error that its not it would also be cool if search autocomplete gave me the poi so i could tag the search result previews (mapbox does this). Unrelated from this topic but coming from mapbox where everything had a mapbox_id i feel like some things like localities like "columbus, Ohio" should still have a place id but maybe the muid serves that purpose idk and just something i should account for. Lastly on my mind is how to manage rate limiting since im just giving the same mapbox js token to all the clients. Of course for server api I can manage my own system for rate limiting logged in users a bit easier but not sure about mapkit js though I can only dream my project is big enough i need to even worry about that lol.
Jul ’24