




CloudKit: Not able to get the user's name through `CKContainer.default().shareParticipant(forUserRecordID: recordID)`
Hey everyone, I'm trying to get the user's name to display in a welcome screen, but unfortunatelly no success so far. For that, I'm using CKContainer.default().shareParticipant(forUserRecordID: recordID).userIdentity.nameComponents, but the returned nameComponents are empty, despite receiving no error and accountStatus of .available. Here's my code: struct Helper { static func getUserInformation() async throws -> Models.UserInfo { let container = CKContainer.default() let accountStatus = try! await container.accountStatus() var accountStatusDescription = "" switch accountStatus { case .couldNotDetermine: accountStatusDescription = "couldNotDetermine" case .available: accountStatusDescription = "available" case .restricted: accountStatusDescription = "restricted" case .noAccount: accountStatusDescription = "noAccount" case .temporarilyUnavailable: accountStatusDescription = "temporarilyUnavailable" @unknown default: accountStatusDescription = "default" } print("[Helper] CKContainer accountStatus: \(accountStatusDescription) ") // Prints "[Helper] CKContainer accountStatus: available" do { let recordID = try await container.userRecordID() let id = recordID.recordName let participant = try await container.shareParticipant(forUserRecordID: recordID) guard let nameComponents = participant.userIdentity.nameComponents else { throw Models.ServiceError.userIdentityUnknownName } print("[Helper] CKShare.Participant nameComponents \(nameComponents)") // Prints "[Helper] CKShare.Participant nameComponents - " print("[Helper] CKShare nameComponents.givenName \(String(describing: nameComponents.givenName))") print("[Helper] CKShare nameComponents.nickname \(String(describing: nameComponents.nickname))") print("[Helper] CKShare nameComponents.familyName \(String(describing: nameComponents.familyName))") print("[Helper] CKShare nameComponents.namePrefix \(String(describing: nameComponents.namePrefix))") print("[Helper] CKShare nameComponents.nameSuffix \(String(describing: nameComponents.nameSuffix))") print("[Helper] CKShare nameComponents.middleName \(String(describing: nameComponents.middleName))") let name = PersonNameComponentsFormatter().string(from: nameComponents) return Models.UserInfo( id: id, name: name ) } catch { throw error } } } Other than that, this project is using CloudKit for persistence through SwiftData and everything seems to be duly setup and working fine. Any idea of what I might be missing? Any user permissions required? As far as I understood, from iOS 17 on and using this code, no permissions are required anymore but I may be wrong. Any hint / help would be much appreciated! Cheers, Jorge
Feb ’24